"There'll Come A Time Someday" lyrics - CHARLIE POOLE

"There'll Come A Time Someday"

Why are you sad, Papa my darling?
Why are those tears falling today?
Why do you look at me so strangely?
Have I done wrong? Tell me, I pray
Oh no, my child, you are an angel
There's not a heart truer than thine
Only I feel sometimes you'll leave me
Just as your Mama did, there'll come a time

There'll come a time someday
When I have passed away
There'll be no Papa to guide you
From day to day

Let me know all, Papa my darling
Tell me I pray of Mother dear
Where is she gone? Why did she leave us?
Why is her name never called here?
Oh, I can feel her dear arms about me
Or her sweet lips pressed close to mine
I'd give this world only to see her
Tell me, dear Papa, will there come a time?

There'll come a time someday
When I have passed away
Be no Papa to guide you
From day to day
Think well of all I've said
Honor the man you wed
Always remember my story
There will come a time